Unfilteredme’s Weblog

Insist on yourself; never imitate

Wish Me Luck!

Tomorrow is my first full day at work. It’s late and I know I should already be in bed; but, I keep putting it off. I feel like if I keep putting it off, tomorrow might not come and I won’t have to go to work. I want to put this off so that I don’t have to go through another cycle of change.

I’ve gotten so used to sitting in the house day in and day out. But, I know, it’s been killing me inside to sit here and do nothing. I need some human interaction and I need to feel like I have a purpose–like I’m doing something. I so scared.

I still haven’t taken my medication. Well, let me rephrase that a bit… I have 6 prescriptions that I need to pick up. It’s a rather simple process. I call in my prescriptions, get in my car, pick my prescriptions up, and take my medicine. I still feel stuck and I feel like I can’t do it. How am I going to work when I can’t do something so simple? I know that part of the reason that I’m feeling this way is because it’s been almost 2 weeks since I took any of my medicine. Has it been that long? I don’t even know. I’ve lost track of time and I dread becoming a slave to the routine of taking my medication.

This seems to happen to me anytime I start taking any kind of prescription. I sort of rebel inside. I don’t want to have to take any medication! I have this weird set of criteria in my head also. I can only take an even numbers of pills. If my pills add up to an odd number, I simply stop taking one of the pills. I know it’s crazy, but I can’t help it. It feels unlucky and despite any logic, I give in to my stupid rules.

Back to the job….

I’m so scared about tomorrow. I am so scared that this job will be like my last. I am afraid that I will hate my job and be unhappy with it. My last job was horrendous. To say that I was micromanaged would be putting it lightly and I already have issues with perfection. I want to do everything perfectly. With my last job, every little thing was subject to scrutiny. We had daily, weekly, and monthly reports and reviews. I did very well with these reviews. We got graded on our performance. For 5 months straight I kept my average at 98%. It wasn’t good enough. I didn’t want anything less than perfect. It started taking a toll on me. I stopped enjoying my job and every task became harder and more stressful. I just don’t want that to happen again. I want to be able to enjoy my new job.

That being said, I do believe that God put me on this path for a reason. Without that horrendous job, I may not have gotten the help that I needed. I have put my trust in God that He will continue to take care of me and prepare me for whatever it is that my future holds.

I am so happy to be able to tell people that I have found God in my life. He has led me from a life of recklessness and sin. I used to turn to other things in my life to make me feel happy. I thought that being reckless and sinful would allow me to have more fun and be free and happy with my life. During those moments I did feel a sense of satisfaction, but it did not last. It’s like a person who is addicted to drugs. The euphoria lasts for a bit and then the reality sets in. Once I found God, I realized that all of those missing puzzle pieces were at my disposal. I didn’t need all of those other things to feel that peace inside of myself. I don’t need alcohol, sex, drugs, or anything else to help me through the good or bad moments.

Sometimes, I still find it hard not to give into temptation or look for the easy way out. I get depressed and think about suicide or self medicating and then I have to remember to stop being so selfish. I have to remind myself to be patient and trust. I know that everything happens In His Time. I just have to remind myself sometimes…

Anyway…I am about to head to bed now! Wish me luck with my first day of work tomorrow!!!!!


September 24, 2007 Posted by | anxiety, apprehension, change, christ, christianity, church, committed, confusion, depression, distance, faith, fear, free, freedom, God, happiness, happy, homework, hope, identity, jobs, joy, jubilance, jubilant, life, moving, moving on, obsessive compulsive personality disorder, ocpd, quiet, sadness, Saviour, searching, therapist, therapy, unemployed, want, wonder, working, worry | 3 Comments

Who am I?

Have you ever felt like you were stuck?

That’s how I’m feeling now.  I have been avoiding things and avoiding people.  I am scared and I don’t know why.  I am keeping myself from doing things for no reason.  I am so scared.  I am coming up on a big change that I wasn’t mentally prepared for far enough in advance.

I knew that I landed the job that I wanted.  I found out last week.  Anyway, they did a background check and today I in-processed on the base and got a 2nd ID card.  Little did I know, today was my first day on the job!  It would have been nice if someone had told me that today was my first day on the job.  I have to go in tomorrow morning and I found out that I’m starting my first, full week on Monday!

I feel stuck.  I mean, I know I’m not, but I want to run away and hide right about now.  I thought I would just say my oath, fill out some paperwork, and be out of there.  I haven’t even gone through the training courses (which don’t start for another month) and they want me there for a full week starting Monday!

I’m a little disappointed.  My husband’s grandmother is turning 89 next month and they are having a huge family reunion in a couple of weeks.  I really wanted to attend the reunion and thought that I would be able to.  I’m scared.  It’s been almost 3 months since I got out of the hospital and quit my other job.  I am afraid that I won’t be able to handle it and that I’ll get burnt out.  I thought that with the background check and everything the military, certainly, wouldn’t want me working for them.  I didn’t think I’d get the job.  I feel like everything is moving too quickly.  I didn’t realize that I’d be starting work so soon.

On another note, I have been so ill these past couple of weeks.  It’s been hard for me to stand up without feeling like I was about to faint, I couldn’t hold any food down, and I had the worst nausea.  I found at that the symptoms may be stemming from a thyroid condition, so we will see.  I’ve had these same symptoms for three years now and the cause of my symptoms is still a mystery.  I’m tired of tests, scopes, and ultrasounds.  I hope that I can get some more answers, because my symptoms are getting worse every month.

That’s about it for now…  I’ve been avoiding therapy and I have been too lazy to refill my prescriptions.  I need to get my prescriptions!  But, I feel so stuck.  I hope that I don’t spiral back down.  I can’t help but think that I am bringing more harm to myself and loved ones.  I am avoiding everything and everyone and I am bringing harm to myself.  I need to get my act together.  I don’t even feel like myself.  I feel like a different person.

September 19, 2007 Posted by | anxiety, apprehension, boredom, change, chronic illness, confusion, cymbalta, depression, did, dissociative disorder, dissociative identity disorder, fear, identity, jobs, lamictal, life, mental hospital, mental illness, moving, moving on, psychiatric hospital, quiet, sadness, therapist, therapy, unemployed, want, working, worry | 6 Comments